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Kiki Melendez - Journey of a Female Comic

Spread Love: Journey of a Female Comic Opens This Weekend…

Journey of a Female Comic chronicles the highs and lows of a Latina actress/comedian as she struggles to make it in Hollywood. It’s a comical portrayal of what it takes to achieve success in a town where people confuse…

project bronx

Uptown Video: Street Art vs Graffiti

We asked the people of the Bronx, if there is a difference between Street Art and Graffiti? The Bronx is the birthplace of Hip Hop, breakdancing and Graffiti “bombing” as documented in: Style Wars. We here at Project Bronx…

5/8/14: TEDxColumbiaSIPA

The 2nd annual TEDxColumbiaSIPA event will take place at the Miller Theatre (Broadway at 116th St.) on the Columbia University campus on May 8th from 2:00pm to 6:00pm. The function will feature 12 inspiring speakers and performers organized around…

Uptown Video: Piecing it Together

This is a short documentary about three uptown NY moms with autistic sons who were interviewed about their daily experiences and what its like to raise their child. Shot by Jose “Lozer” Alfonseca Edited by Jonathan “Audubon” Perez We…

project bronx

Uptown Video: Does The Bronx TURN UP?

This week Adam Levine-Peres asked people of the Bronx if they listen to Hip Hop and if they know what the popular phrase “TURN UP” means. Is it TurnT Up? Is it Turned Up? & finally Can we turn…