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LION publishers

An Evening With Nike

By Kaity Modesto Word on the street is that the new Foot Locker community store on 181 st. is proactively engaging the Latinx community Uptown. The community Power Store is one out of three in the country and has…

11/16/19: The Color of Power Opening Reception @ CCCADI

On Saturday November 16, 2019, a new and unprecedented exhibition The Color of Power: Heroes, Sheroes, & Their Creators brings to Harlem’s Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute (CCCADI) a refreshing alternative universe brimming with stories and comic books…

Parking Uptown? Time to Pay Up | Manhattan Times

By Mark Levine It’s a standard weekday morning ritual in Northern Manhattan – suburban commuters, often with New Jersey or Connecticut license plates, circling our neighborhood streets looking for parking. Whether it’s Washington Heights or East Harlem, the working…

Uptown On TV 📺: The Apollo On HBO

The world famous Apollo Theater is more than just a theater. Internationally renowned for having influenced American and pop culture more than any other entertainment venue, the Apollo Theater created opportunities for new talent to be seen and has…

11/15/19: U.S. Dominican Women: Music and Legacy

U.S. Dominican Women: Music and Legacy A roundtable discussion honoring Dominican women’s genre-altering influence in contemporary Dominican music in the U.S. The discussion, between Dominican artists and academic scholars, will be followed by a demonstration of the artist’s intervention…

Meet the New Boss, Shea’m as the Old Boss | Manhattan Times

‎By Josmar Trujillo Yesterday, the City announced the departure of Police Commissioner Jimmy O’Neill after three years at the helm of America’s largest police force. O’Neill leaves amid attacks from police unions, a series of police brutality incidents and…

11/07/19: Multiverse @ Buunni Coffee Inwood

The Buunni Coffee Performance Space (4961 BWAY) is in effect familia. This coming Thursday, November 7, come out to the inaugural installment of Multiverse, a new monthly reading series. Starting at 7 pm attendees will be treated to readings…

Spread Love: Decade of Fire On PBS

Decade of Fire covers a shocking but untold piece of American urban history, when the South Bronx was on fire in the 1970s. Left unprotected by the city government, nearly a quarter-million people were displaced as their close-knit, multiethnic…

Uptown Talk: Latinos Out Loud – Metaphorically Speaking

On this week’s episode, the crew talks about Rachel, Jaime, and guest co-host Carmen Mendoza, performing with Room 28 in The People’s Improv Theatre’s #Sketchfest19. And in the spirit of Halloween, everybody admits to their biggest fears. On “Bochinche…