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Lin-Manuel Miranda

Open Casting Call: In The Heights Film

Grant Wilfley Casting is holding an open call for the feature film IN THE HEIGHTS. Seeking people to play Latino neighbors of Washington Heights. Open call will be held: Saturday, June 1 from 11a-3p at 269 Wadsworth Avenue (at…

Commercial driver Fausto Luna is honored at vigil.

The Uptown Tweet of the Week: Is this country going mad?

Is this country going mad? Are republicans in states like Alabama such ideologues that a doctor terminating an unwanted pregnancy could get more jail than a rapist? GET INTO ACTION NOW!!! @ltmphd @Lin_Manuel @mamacita1126 @PPact — Luis A.…

Open Casting Call: In The Heights Film

Grant Wilfley Casting is seeking people to portray Latinos and other neighbors of Washington Heights in the musical feature film IN THE HEIGHTS. Filming begins in June in NYC. Email your name, union status (SAG-AFTRA or NonUnion), phone number,…

The Uptown Tweet of the Week: More Fire 🔥

No more #InTheHeightsMovie casting announcements for awhile, we build from this foundation now. Quiara, Jon & I just wanted you to have the full set in one picture. ❤️❤️❤️ — Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) April 17, 2019 We invite…

The Uptown Tweet of the Week: In The Heights Film In The Works…

*taps 🎙*And now, I’m thrilled to announce some of the cast of our In The Heights film…@ARamosofficial IS Usnavi@MelissaBarreraM IS Vanessa#CoreyHawkins IS Benny @lesliegrace IS Nina Rosario We film this summer. Uptown.Right here In The Heights. …More soon!…

Vote Here

The Uptown Tweet of the Week: #Vote2018

It’s pouring outside. But my voter spot was packed. Never been so happy to wait in line. #Vote2018 — Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) November 6, 2018 We invite you to subscribe to the weekly Uptown Love newsletter, like our…

Lin-Manuel Miranda In The Heights

Casting Call: In The Heights Movie

That’s right ya’ll, the In The Heights movie is looking for actors for the film that will once again shine a light on our beloved Washington Heights. Uptown superhero, Lin-Manuel Miranda, made the announcement himself on Twitter. Right now…