The next installment of the Led Black Book Club goes down on Thursday, July 24th at Word Up Books. Our featured author is AJ Sidransky who recently released his 2nd novel, Stealing A Summer’s Afternoon. The book is a…
Forgiving Maximó Rothman
BY Led Black (@Led_Black) Stealing A Summer’s Afternoon is the story of how Elliot got his groove back. Elliot Serlin has been a stand-up guy his whole life. A good Jewish boy from the Bronx, Elliot has reached middle…
BY A.J. Sidransky (@AJSidransky) Adela stared out the window fascinated by the frost and the pattern it made on the glass. She touched the surface of the pane. The pattern reminded her of the lace that edged the neckline…
BY Led Black (@Led_Black) The next installment of the Led Black Book Club will take place at Word Up Books (2113 Amsterdam Ave @ 165th) on Thursday, September 26th and will feature Forgiving Máximo Rothman by local author A.J.…
BY Led Black (@Led_Black) I think it is only fitting that I just started reading the gripping debut novel, Forgiving Maximó Rothman, from local writer, A J Sidransky, being that it is Father’s Day this Sunday, or as my dad…