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Shrimp And Grits From BLVD Bistro

BLVD Bistro – A Taste of Down South, Uptown

BY AJ Sidransky (@AJSidransky) Though famous for their world-renowned haute cuisine many French people will tell you that it’s “le cuisine gran-mere,” the cooking of their grandmothers that warms their heart. That is true of many a chef and…

Stealing A Summer's Afternoon

Excerpt: Stealing A Summer’s Afternoon

BY AJ Sidransky (@AJSidransky) One thing has become painfully obvious from the Amarlys episode: Manuel and I aren’t equipped to do this without professional help. Romo is that help. We’re meeting him to cut a deal tonight. The meeting…

Stealing A Summer's Afternoon

Stealing A Summer’s Afternoon – The Review

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) Stealing A Summer’s Afternoon is the story of how Elliot got his groove back. Elliot Serlin has been a stand-up guy his whole life. A good Jewish boy from the Bronx, Elliot has reached middle…

Word Up Books Book Harvest

3/16/14: Word Up Books CSB Book Harvest!

This Sunday, March 16th, 3–6 PM, join current CSB members at Word Up Community Bookshop for an exclusive first pick at a huge selection of used books during this very special event. Entertainment and light refreshments—courtesy of Mambi Restaurant…

A Place At The Table

3/8/14: Word Up Books Presents A Place At The Table

Saturday, March 8th 6:00 PM Word Up Community Bookshop 2113 Amsterdam Avenue @ 165th St. Admission: $5 (reduced to $3 if you sign up for a Continuing CSB Membership) City Harvest’s Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative, Word Up Community Bookshop, and…

2/22/14: Word Up Books Presents Bling: A Planet Rock

Saturday, February 22nd 6:30pm Word Up Community Bookshop 2113 Amsterdam Avenue @ 165th St. Bling: A Planet Rock—directed and co-produced by Inwood/Washington Heights native, author, and documentary filmmaker Raquel Cepeda—is a critically acclaimed feature documentary about the intersection of hip-hop,…