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The Tweet of the Week: 500 K & Counting

It's impossible to comprehend 500,000 deaths. I read about those who have died. Look into their eyes in pictures. I start with 1 person, then 2, then more, imagining a chain of pain so long it feels unending. To…

The Ted Cruz Translator

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Erik Rivera | Comedian | Host (@erikriveracomedy) S/O to the always funny @erikriveracomedy for the spot on Ted Cruz Translator. I know it’s hard to pick the worst Republican but Ted “Treason”…

Uptown Talk: Latinos Out Loud – Keep Your Foot on the Rose Petal

In this episode the group talks about what they did on Valentine’s Day and Rachel taking a lengthy trip to the Catskills for a voiceover audition. On this week’s Bochinche Bites, Jaime dishes on Michael B. Jordan’s romantic Valentine’s…

"We’re sentencing people to death right now," argued Assemblymember Carmen De La Rosa.

02/15/21: Uptown Solidarity For All Vigil

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Uptown Collective (@uptowncollectiv) Carmen De La Rosa convened elected officials and local stakeholders on Monday, February 15 for a vigil to honor the victims of the A train attacks this…

Black Lives Matter Door Sign

UC Love: Judas and the Black Messiah

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Judas and the Black Messiah (@judasandtheblackmessiahfilm) Judas And The Black Messiah tells the true story of the betrayal of the charismatic leader of the Illinois Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton…

Trinity Cemetery Washington Heights

FEMA reimbursements for COVID funerals, burials | Bronx Free Press

There will be some help in the hurt. COVID-hit families will soon be able to access assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) for funeral and burial costs. As announced jointly by U.S. Senator Charles Schumer and Congresswoman…

Cat in the Cloisters Washington Heights

#TheGram: #ImNotaCat

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Uptown Collective (@uptowncollectiv) This actually happened to attorney Rod Ponton recently when he showed up for a virtual court hearing of the 394th Judicial District Court in Texas. The best…

Uptown Talk: Latinos Out Loud – Cultural Snow Is The Sh-t!

On this episode, the crew talk about how the city looks after a snowstorm, watching the anticlimactic Super Bowl, Frank going to a Super Bowl viewing party in the Bronx and Rachel getting interviewed by the Miami Media &…