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Uptown Music

Best of the Boogie Down: Artist Spotlight – Chaz Van Queen

BY Jenni Ruiza (@RuizaJenni) Searching for great rap music is no easy task – especially when you’re looking for raw talent mixed with a little musical genius behind it. After searching for original beats and lyrics, I came upon…

11/9/13: The UPTNY Pop Up Shop @ The Flagrant Club

Check out: The UPTNY Release Bash @ Dyckman Bar – The Recap Open For Business: The Flagrant Club We invite you to subscribe to the weekly Uptown Love newsletter, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter, or…

BTS - Rayniel - Bridge

Uptown Video: Biodegradable – A Q&A With Rayniel Rufino

Uptown’s leading man, Rayniel Rufino, has a new movie dropping soon, Biodegradable, that everyone will talking about in the very near future. Directed by the incredible Juan Basante and with an outstanding ensemble cast, Biodegradable is one of the…

New Music: Ace IOD – Fortune Favors The Bold

IOD representative ACE IOD recently dropped a hot new project, Fortune Favors The Bold. From the menacing intro to the final track on the album, Fortune Favors The Bold is a super solid effort from one of Uptown’s most…

The House That Jack Built

Proyecto Next – The Recap

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) Photography by Ismael Rosario & Edwin Supo ProyectoNext is dedicated to bringing to the masses the Latino films, actors, directors and musicians of tomorrow today. With that lofty goal in mind, I have to say…