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That’s What’s Up

Levente no.Yolayorkdominicanyork – A Reading With Josefina Báez This Friday

“Llegué yo, la hija de Esperanza la billetera. Cobrá, cansá, cabriá, con celular y celulitis. ¡Cámbiame los vasos y los hombres!” From the book Levente no.Yolayorkdominicanyork Ay Ombe Theatre, Casa Verde Camila and Broadway Housing Communities present Levente no.Yolayorkdominicanyork.…

Dominican Independence Day Gone Viral

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) [blackbirdpie url=”!/Led_Black/status/174310393307602945″] This past Monday was the 168th anniversary of Dominican Independence and what an awesome Febrero 27th it was. First off, the words Dominican Independence Day were trending on Twitter. Say Word! Everyone from…

Throw Back Thursdays: Trinity Church Cemetery Portfolio

Photography by Briana E. Heard (@beheardphoto) For our first ever Throwback Thursdays post, which will highlight some of the best from the extensive Uptown Collective vaults, is it only right that we kick it off with something from our…

Torn Asunder Art Exhibit Opening Reception On Friday March 9th

“TORN ASUNDER: WORKS FROM THE MIGRATION SERIES” On View: March 9 – 30, 2012 Opening Reception: Friday, March 9, 6-9pm Heath Gallery (24 West 120th Street) Born in Harlem to immigrant parents, artist Dionis Ortiz never thought of the…

I Am A Dominican York

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) I am a Dominican York. According to the Urban Dictionary, a Dominican York is either a Dominican immigrant living and working in New York City or an American-born person of Dominican descent who was raised…