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That’s What’s Up

Throw Back Thursdays: Merlin German Remembered

Today’s Throwback Thursdays is dedicated to the loving memory of Merlin German. Known as the “Miracle Marine”, Merlin sustained burns to 97% of his body and even though he was given only a 3% chance of survival, German astounded…

Keeping the parks safe with Sgt. Sunny | Manhattan Times

By Lauren Shapiro To outsiders, Manhattan, the heart of New York City, is world famous as the exciting home of theatre, fashion and museums; but those living in Inwood and Washington Heights know that the local parks rival those…

Flor de Toloache @ Le Chéile

BY Led Black (@Led_Black) Video & photography by Emmanuel Abreu (@EAbreuVisuals) What is Flor de Toloache? Toloache is an herb used to make people fall in love. It is also the name of, get this, are you ready? A…

Picture of the Week

Photography by Briana E. Heard (@beheardphoto) Click here to see the entire Picture of the Week series. If you have a picture that you think is Picture of the Week worthy, please let us know at [email protected]. We invite…

Harlem Stage Presents the Dynamic E-Moves 13 this Weekend

The dance tour de force that is Harlem Stages’s E-Moves is back and better than ever. This weekend and the next, E-Moves 13, will be showcasing the best and most dynamic dancers from around the world. And yes, ladies…

Kickstarter Spotlight: East WillyB

The good folks of East WillyB are in the beginning of a Kickstarter campaign to raise 50k in 50 days. For those that don’t know, East WillyB is about the neighborhood of Bushwick and how it deals with gentrification…

April in Inwood Hill Park

Filmmaker & photographer Emon Hassan was in our beloved Inwood Hill Park recently and took some amazing pictures. Check some of them out below.…