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That’s What’s Up

The Uptown Tweet of the Week

Presenting the Uptown Tweet of the Week, our pick that represents the good, the bad, and the lovely in this week’s UC Twitterverse… [blackbirdpie url=”″] We invite you to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter, or…

Que Lo Que @ Apt 78 Goes Down This Sunday

Oh snap, Que Lo Que goes down this Sunday at Apt 78 (4447 Broadway). If you have not been to a Que Lo Que fiesta you are missing out on something monumental. Que Lo Que is akin to an…

Inwood Hill Park

Throw Back Thursdays: An Ode to Inwood Hill Park

On another dreary day like today, I thought that Lauren Dockett’s über lyrical ode to Inwood Hill Park would be just the ticket to lift the spirits. I love this post because it pairs the beauty of the words…

Get Fit For Free @ Fort Tryon Park – 2012

Try something new! All of the fitness programs are free, led by trained professionals, and suitable for all levels. Wear comfy clothing and bring water. Rain and weather/air advisory cancels.…

Inwood Hill Park - Dominican & American Flags

Picture of the Week

Photography by Briana E. Heard (@beheardphoto) Click here to see the entire Picture of the Week series. If you have a picture that you think is Picture of the Week worthy, please let us know at [email protected]. We invite…

Dominican Lasagna - Yaroa

A casserole? A lasagna? Ah, yaroa! | Manhattan Times

Story and photos by Sandra E. García Yaroa. The name sparks the imagination. Is it a major ecological destination in the Andes? A new Nike high-top? Or one of the long lost members of The Avengers? Keep it far…