Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria, with United Palace of Cultural Arts, is proud to present Pulitzer Prize winner and MacArthur fellow Junot Díaz, reading from his debut children’s picture book, Islandborn.
In Islandborn, Lola’s teacher asks the students to draw a picture of where their families immigrated from, and all the kids are excited—except Lola. She can’t remember The Island—she left when she was just a baby. But with the help of her family and friends, and their memories – joyous, fantastical, heartbreaking, and frightening—Lola’s imagination takes her on an extraordinary journey back to The Island. Gloriously illustrated and lyrically written, Islandborn is a celebration of creativity, diversity, and our imagination’s boundless ability to connect us—to our families, to our past and to ourselves.
English and Spanish editions of the book are available. Copies of the book will be available for sale at the event, for $17.99 plus sales tax. Please support your local volunteer-run nonprofit community bookshop! For co-sponsorship opportunities, please inquire at [email protected].
United Palace (175th & Broadway)
Friday, April 13 @ 5:30
Adult $25 (includes book) | Adult $15 (does not include book) | Kids 12 and under and Seniors 65 and older $5 (does not include book)
Adulto $25 (incluye libro) | Adulto $15 (no incluye libro) | Niños menores de 12 años y personas mayores de 65 años $5 (no incluye libro)
For more info: 04/13/18: Junot Diaz Presents Islandborn @ The United Palace

An illustration by Leo Espinosa from Junot Díaz’s “Islandborn.”
Junot Díaz talks shop uptown | Manhattan Times
The Future Is Ours – A Q&A With Junot Díaz
On Being: Junot Díaz Speaks About Radical Hope
Uptown Talk: The NYPL Podcast – Junot Diaz
The Platano Index: A Q&A With Junot Diaz
A Night Uptown With Junot Diaz
Led Black: Un Pie Aqui y Uno Alla | Huffington Post
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