A Word From Statement Arts
Help Us Get 15 More NYC Young People Into College!
If you can help us level the playing field for some amazing young people who deserve a chance, we’d be extremely grateful.
This July, Statement Arts will sponsor its free Expanding Horizons College Preparatory Program for 15 under-served New York City young people. Expanding Horizons is a yearlong endeavor. It costs $50,000 to run the summer portion alone.
This campaign will fund the summer program and keep it free for all of our students.
What We Want To Do
This year marks the sixth anniversary of our annual Expanding Horizons College Preparatory Program. Fifteen new students will start with us this July. To date, the program has been a HUGE success. Every Expanding Horizons graduate has gone on to attend a higher learning institution, and many of our students have received substantial scholarships. The primary goal of the Expanding Horizons College Prep Program is to immerse young people in performing arts education to which they do not have access, and help them get into college. We use the arts to foster creative, academic, and personal confidence. While we have had students attend from 4 of the 5 boroughs, most of our students live in Washington Heights, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Harlem. Most of our students identify as people of color and come from low-income communities.
Support Here: Indiegogo Spotlight: Statement Arts College Prep Program 2017
Check out: Q&A With Zahaira Curiel & Liza Politi of Statement Arts
Support Here: Indiegogo Spotlight: Statement Arts College Prep Program 2017
Check out: Q&A With Zahaira Curiel & Liza Politi of Statement Arts
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