The Elixir: The One Thing You Need to Finally Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

BY Eileen Z. Fuentes (@EileenZFuentes)


The New Year is the time when individuals make radical declarations about personal challenges they want to overcome. Most resolutions focus around health, weight loss, financial freedom, and simply enjoying life more. These are all great goals to achieve but sadly about 80% of them fail. Like many of you, I used to make these same proclamations but finally gave it up after too many unsuccessful efforts.

2016 was different for me. Without making resolutions, this past year I worked out more consistently, I took my personal development more seriously, and surpassed my professional ones. I am proud to say that I worked really hard to manifest these things but I didn’t do it alone. The missing piece in the years past was ACCOUNTABILITY.

Accountability requires that you entrust a person with the responsibility of tracking your progress, the consistency of your actions, but more importantly… your success. In addition to a therapist, I also have supportive partners in the areas of business, fitness, self-care and even spirituality. And the accountability works both ways. I have to support my partners as they support me. Let’s just say there are more than a few sweaty selfies of my partners and I on my phone and they are not cute.

I generally schedule time to talk to my accountability partners at least twice a month with periodic or even daily check ins depending on the target date set or project that needs my attention at that time. Remember, while those you designate with this role may be your friends, this is a work session. When you talk, be sure to have an agenda and specific times to start and end the discussion. Your time is valuable as is theirs, so if it’s a night out that you need or are looking for, set up a separate time to do that.

So now that you know how to reach the finish line this year, list the five big things you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year and start getting your team together. I do realize that doing this for the first time can be distracting so if you need a guide, I am currently using this awesome planner but it is only available through the end of this month. It helps to break down my big goals into small daily, weekly, and monthly actions all leading to the final result of finally getting organized and my dreams accomplished. Happy New Year!

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”~ Arthur Ashe

Check out more from Eileen @


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